



■ 情報の取得と利用について
当社はお客様に対して、次のサービスを提供させていただくことにあたってお客様のお名前・社名・メールアドレス・Cookie(クッキー)といった個人情報を、お客様よりご提供頂くことが御座いますが、 原則としてご本人以外の者に開示・提供せず、弊社サービス提供の為に必要な範囲を超えて利用致しません。
* 各種お問い合わせ
* 利用動向、アクセス解析等の統計的資料作成時およびアンケート調査実施のため
* お客様に弊社サービス及び弊社関連情報をご提供するため
* 提供サービスの不具合やその他のトラブル等に対処するため
■ 個人情報の開示について
* 法令等により開示が求められた場合。
* お客様から事前に同意を得ている場合。
* お客様が希望されるサービスを行うために当社が業務委託先等に必要な範囲で開示又は提供する場合。
* 統計的資料等の個人を特定できない形式で開示又は提供する場合。
* 個人情報について、あらかじめ当社との間で機密保持契約を締結している店舗・企業に開示する場合。
* 当社又は第三者の権利、財産、安全等を保護するために必要であると当社が合理的に判断した場合。
■ 個人情報を保護する方法について
管理責任者は第三者の不正なアクセスによる個人情報の漏洩 ・ 流用 ・ 改ざん等を防止するため、 外部からの不正なアクセス、個人情報の紛失・破壊・改ざん・漏えいなどを防ぐための適切なセキュリティ対策を講じるものとします。
■ 個人情報の完全性について
■ 問い合わせ先
電子メールによるお問い合わせ info(アットマーク)uuuu.co.jp
■ その他


■ Acquisition and Use of Information
FOR YOU, INC. (hereafter referred to as the “Company”) will securely handle the important personal information of our customers in accordance with the Privacy Policy posted below.
The Company may ask our customers to provide personal information such as the customer name, company name, email address, or cookies to allow us to better provide the services listed below. As a general rule, the Company will not disclose or provide this information to anyone other than the customer, and it will not be used for any purposes beyond what is necessary to provide our services.
* To assist various inquiries
* To generate statistical data for usage trends and traffic analysis, and to conduct surveys
* To provide the customer with our services and information related to the Company
* To address flaws in the services we provide and other such issues that may arise
■ Disclosure of Personal Information
We will not disclose or provide your personal information to third parties unless under the following circumstances.
* If the disclosure is required by law.
* If we have obtained prior consent from the customer.
* When the Company must provide information to a subcontractor in order to perform services the customer has requested.
* To disclose or provide non-identifying information for purposes such as statistical analysis.
* When disclosing information to a store or company that has previously entered into a confidentiality agreement concerning personal information with the Company.
* If the Company has reasonably determined that such disclosure is necessary in order to protect the rights, property, or safety of a third party.
■ How We Protect Your Personal Information
The Company takes the necessary security measures to perform strict personal information management to prevent the loss, fraudulent use, unauthorized access, disclosure, falsification, or destruction of all personal information gathered from the customer.
Our personal information custodian ensures that the appropriate security measures are in place to prevent the leakage, misappropriation, or falsification of personal information due to unauthorized third-party access, and to safeguard against external unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or disclosure of personal information.
■ Personal Information Integrity
Customers will be able to view and edit any personal information provided at the time of membership registration.
If you wish to delete any of your member information, please contact us at the address provided below.
■ Contact
Please contact the Company at the address below for any inquiries concerning the handling of personal information.
Contact us by email at info(at)uuuu.co.jp
■ Additional Notes
We shall revise these rules as appropriate pursuant to any amendments to laws and regulations, or changes in social climate.
In the future, the Company may want to revise our whole Privacy Policy, or any part therein.
If any significant change should be made, the Company will provide the pertinent details on our website.