


愛知淑徳大学 建築学部

ASU Faculty of Architecture
This logo is made up of three lines, representing the initial "A" of "Aichi" and "Architecture," on a flat plane. Each line extends in a different direction, symbolizing individual uniqueness and the variety of paths in a three-dimensional manner. The design, where each line radiates from a central point while tracing its trajectory, symbolizes choosing one's own path while acknowledging and coexisting with differences. The addition of three-dimensional elements adds depth to the space and conveys a sense of movement and change, representing harmony and unity in diversity.

We handled the overall branding for the Department of Architecture, envisioning the design of the website and various items around the logo.
ASU Faculty of Architecture
矢印 矢印
愛知淑徳大学 建築学部

矢印 矢印
ASU Faculty of Architecture
This logo is made up of three lines, representing the initial "A" of "Aichi" and "Architecture," on a flat plane. Each line extends in a different direction, symbolizing individual uniqueness and the variety of paths in a three-dimensional manner. The design, where each line radiates from a central point while tracing its trajectory, symbolizes choosing one's own path while acknowledging and coexisting with differences. The addition of three-dimensional elements adds depth to the space and conveys a sense of movement and change, representing harmony and unity in diversity.

We handled the overall branding for the Department of Architecture, envisioning the design of the website and various items around the logo.
ASU Faculty of Architecture
矢印 矢印